Jism 2 2012 DvDrip

At the beginning, Izna, a porn star (Sunny Leone) is lying dead in the grass, but she says that she wants to ask forgiveness from somebody for her sins. The story then goes back 6 months.
Izna is hired by an intelligence officer Aayan Thakur (Arunoday Singh) and Security Chief Guru Saldanah (Arif Zakaria) to become a 'honey-trap' and help them retrieve critical information from a dreaded assassin Kabir (Randeep Hooda). During this mission, Aayan gets to know about Izna's previous relationships with Kabir when Kabir himself used to work for the intelligence. During one of his missions where Izna was being used for drug-peddling in a pub, which she was unaware of, Kabir arrested the guilty drug-peddlers, and Izna explained that she was innocent. Kabir took a coin from her and decided not to arrest her. Izna started loving Kabir and followed him home, handing him a love letter written in her own blood. Both start loving each other but one day Kabir disappeared without any word. Six years passed and Izna did not find him despite many efforts.
After Izna agrees to the mission, she is taken to a residential colony in Sri Lanka to live where Kabir also lived with an identity of a musician. Izna is asked to act as Aayan's fiancee and is given a story of how they both met each other. Izna then is asked to go to Kabir's house to introduce herself as his new neighbor, but he acts as if he does not recognize her. The very next day, he writes "Sorry" on her window in his blood but flees as soon as a phone call comes. Kabir attacks Guru Saldanah's team but Saldanah makes an escape and plans to stop the operation. Aayan plans to steal the data from Kabir while Izna takes Kabir out. Izna sends a letter to Kabir telling him that she wants to meet him, and Kabir leaves his house. Aayan moves to Kabir's house to steal the data. When he copies data from Kabir's laptop, it gives Kabir an alert to his phone, and Kabir runs towards his house. Aayan escapes with the data, but later discovers that the data was fake. Izna says that she will never forgive Kabir and will bring him down.
Kabir still trusts Izna and never had a suspicion on her but his trusted friend Sumit suspects her and warns Kabir about her. Kabir proposes to marry her and asks Izna to shift to his house and leave Aayan. Izna agrees to this but in the meantime Aayan starts to love Izna and gets angry upon hearing this, but she claims that she will only be able to steal the data once she gets into Kabir's house. She moves to his house and starts staying with Kabir. Kabir asks Sumit to arrange for a priest for the marriage, who accidentally reads an SMS to Aayan on Izna's phone, which proved she was a spy. Sumit goes to kill Aayan but is killed in a gun battle. Aayan calls Izna for some urgent talk and expresses his fears that they can no longer play this risky game as when Kabir will find out that Sumit is killed, he will kill Izna. Aayan gives her poison and asks her to mix it in Kabir's drink.
When Izna is not at home, Kabir goes to Aayan's house and discovers Sumit's bluetooth. To find more about Sumit, Kabir searches the house and ends up discovering a book inside Izna's bag which has a similar story that Izna told to Kabir regarding her meeting Aayan. This confirms Sumit's suspicion and Kabir waits for Izna. Izna returns and offers him coffee. Izna mixes poison in the coffee given by Aayan. Kabir tells Izna that years back, he left Izna for a sting operation but during the operation, he had discovered that the country's own officers, security forces and politicians were corrupt. Therefore, he had shortlisted them and then he had them killed.
According to Kabir, he was a patriot and not a terrorist. Kabir threw away the poisoned coffee and told Izna that the Guru Saldanah and his team is a fraud who would kill Izna as soon as they would get the hard disk containing the original data. He asks Izna to escape and offers her a new passport, tickets and a Swiss bank account from where she can withdraw unlimited money. Yet, Izna refuses and when Kabir hugs Izna and kisses her before their separation, Izna shoots him in his stomach. Kabir dies immediately and Izna runs away with the hard disk containing the original data. She goes to Guru Saldanah and hands over the hard disk to him. However, she is soon surprised to know that Guru Saldanah was a fraud and after the task she was supposed to be killed and Aayan was given this responsibility to kill her; later, Aayan changed his mind as he was in love with her, hearing that Saldanah tried to kill Izna but Aayan killed him instead.
Izna told Aayan that because of their fraud mission she killed an innocent person, that too, the love of her life who blindly trusted her. Izna says that she would prefer to die with Kabir rather than living with Aayan and attempts to leave with the hard disk. Aayan threatens to shoot Izna if she leaves the house, but still she leaves and then she is shot by Aayan from the back. Izna falls to the ground but when Aayan comes to check whether she died or not, Izna shoots him to death. Then finally Izna, herself, dies.
After dying, Izna's soul asks forgiveness from Kabir's soul who at once, forgives her. Izna tells Kabir that without him, heaven won't be heaven for her and with him, she won't be afraid to go to hell. Then their souls rests in peace.


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